Seriously Healthy and Delicious Raspberry Brownie

Posted by Bex Gibbs on

I have possibly the worst sweet tooth I know, if it were acceptable I’d eat brownies and biscuits for breakfast everyday. Recently while making a coffee, I was craving a delicious slice of brownie to accompany my caramel latte. But realising summer is only 5 months away (I know, tell me, where has the year gone?!) I decided that perhaps a sugar-loaded brownie wasn’t the best option!

I messaged my lovely friend Lauryce Moore, who is a nutritional wellness coach, and asked her to help me out with something that was healthy and nourishing, but still tasted amazing. She sent me this Raspberry Brownie recipe and it is seriously delicious on the lips and not so harsh on the hips! She’s also kindly let me share it with you all, so give it a try and let me know what you think. Enjoy, B x


Seriously Healthy and Delicious Raspberry Brownie


2 C Cashew Nuts

1 ½ C Desicated Coconut

1 ½ C Ground Almonds

¼ C Maple Syrup

¼ C Cacao Powder

2 Tbsp Chia Seeds

1 ½ C Dates (soaked)



½ C Coconut Oil

¼ C Cacao Butter

¼ C Rice Malt Syrup

¼ C Raspberry Powder

¼ C Coconut Cream

1 Tbsp Chia Seeds

1 small handful Freeze Dried Raspberries



½ C Coconut Oil

½ C Cacao Butter

½ C Cacao Powder

¼ C Maple Syrup

1 tsp Pure Vanilla



Base: Blend all ingredients together in a food processor until it becomes a dough consistency. Press into a lined tin. Freeze.

Filling: Melt cacao butter and coconut oil in a small saucepan over low heat. Add rice malt syrup and whisk. Leave to cool. Add raspberry powder and stir. Add chia seeds and coconut cream and thoroughly mix until it becomes a jam like consistency. Spread over base layer. Crush freeze-dried raspberries and sprinkle over layer. Freeze.

Topping: Melt ingredients in a small saucepan over medium heat and whisk until it becomes glossy. Pour over the cake and top with coconut chips and freeze dried raspberries.

You can also keep some of the raspberry filling, add some coconut yoghurt and coconut oil to it until it turns into a thick liquid which you can drizzle over the topping. Yum!

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